Platforms, Tools and Libraries
Enabling Us To Develop
Functional, Scalable and Secure Business Solutions
We are committed to use Open Source Software technologies whenever we can to help reduce long term cost of ownership for our clients. Mature OSS Technologies are generally well designed, reliable and well tested.
We invite you to leverage the advantage of open source technologies to develop your own customized, dynamic and quick-to-market applications. Our expertise ensures that you have the right set of tools for your business which saves you both time and money. Our team delivers innovative solutions using open source technologies.
Our team has vast experience in developing user-friendly, scalable and secure solutions primarily using Javascript platform and a number of other open-source technologies. We empower organizations like yours with high performance and dynamic applications that fit your business needs.
OSS Products & Tools
We have adopted many of the popular OSS Products & Tools in our tool chest. However, before adopting, we run through a very rigorous set of tests and at times write a prototype application to test and ensure it will meet our demanding quality standards.
Separates Internet & Infrastructure
Load Balancer, API router and security gate keeper for back end services.
Docker & Docker Compose
Container Management
Container technology for isolating and securing applications.
Relational Database Store
The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database.
Node JS
Javascript for the servers
Server side Javascript Application server for APIs, static content and scraping the internet.
Development Frameworks
Platforms, Packages, Tools and Languages
Quality OSS software products used for developing technological solutions for everyday business problems.
These are efficient, performant and defect free products. Created by trained technologists and experts in the field to promote reusable software.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications
UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
DB ORM Library
Sequelize is an ORM library for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server.
Web SocketIO
Real-Time Communications Library
Socket.IO enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication.
Core programming languages we focus on are:
Javascript, Dart, Flutter, Go, Rust, Python, Java & Scala