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Empowering Our Clients

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The Sweetness of Our Products

Product we have developed and are in service for our clients and partners. These use the same Open Source Software and process we used for our clients. They demonstrate the effectiveness and productivity achievable from our technological solutions.
These solutions can further be customized and expanded to meet the varied requirements from different business use cases.


  • RecallsMe


Recalls Aggregator and Notifications Service

A static site and a single page application solution. This product uses server side render technology for an extremely fast page serving along with ReactJS based Single Page Application for client side user interactions.

The website has the client side 105K+ static pages as well as server side NodeJS APIs and Postgresql DB for persisting recalls data.

It also relies on Puppeteer scraping technology for aggregating government generated recalls data.

Visit: RecallsMe

Be Informed. Be Aware. Be Safe

Subscribe and Receive Timely Recall Alerts


Website Form Builder Application

A Single Page Application developed using ReactJS & NodeJS. This product brings desktop user interactions to web browsers and facilitates building HTML forms.

The forms can be used independently within any website to dynamically capture user inputs, submit captured inputs into DB and later retrieve and list for user consumption.

CRUDLI is a SAAS application, supporting multiple users. It is also integrated in the BITIGRAM product to allow access to HTML forms from within a chat messaging application.

Visit: crudLi

Create, Read, Update, Delete and List Data


Chat Messaging Application with integrated business process apps

The BITIGRAM Chat Messaging Application is built with the MATRIX instant messaging platform.

The application extends the chat functionality with business process apps. Chat users not only use the application for internet based messaging but they can also access apps for business workflows. The integration simplifies day to day business work flows by integrating communications and task processing.

Visit: BitiGram

Chat Messaging With Bits And Pieces Of Business Workflows

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